Philip M. Gollucci
2006-09-17 14:36:51 UTC

Looks like all three will need an -RC2. There's still a few things to fix before I roll them though.

If you have free tuits, please jump in.

Apache-Test 1.29-rc1
Linux 2.6.15 perl 5.6/httpd 2.0.59/mod_perl 2.03rc1 PASS
Win32 using perl-5.8.8 and apache-1.3.34. PASS
linux bzium
t/cookie, t/next_available_port, t/ping,
are incorrectly skipped.
CAN NOT DUPLICATE elsewheres ?????
Win32: Apache/2.2.3 (winnt) +1 randyk
linux: Apache/2.0.55 (prefork) +1 randyk
FreeBSD 6.1-stable/i386 perl 5.8.8 httpd 2.2.3(prefork) +1 pgollucci
Solaris 5.10 perl 5.8.8 httpd 2.2.4-dev +1 pgollucci

mod_perl 2.0.3-rc1
Linux 2.6.15 Apache/2.0.59 mod_perl/2.0.3-rc1 Perl/v5.8.6 PASS
Win32 with perl-5.8.8 and apache-2.2.2. PASS
linux bzium
t/directive/perldo.t fails without mod_alias.so
Win32: Apache/2.2.3 (winnt), perl-5.8.8 (ActivePerl 819) +1 randyk
linux: Apache/2.0.55 (prefork), perl-5.8.7 +1 randyk
FreeBSD 6.1-stable/i386 perl 5.8.8 httpd 2.2.3(prefork) +1 pgollucci
FreeBSD 6.1-stable/i386 perl 5.8.8/ithread httpd 2.2.3(worker) +1 pgollucci
FreeBSD 6.1-stable/i386 perl 5.8.8/ithread httpd 2.2.3(event ) +1 pgollucci
Solaris 5.10 perl 5.8.8 httpd 2.2.4-dev -1 pgollucci
t/api/server_const.t 3 1 33.33% 3
t/apr/ipsubnet.t 8 4 50.00% 2-4 8
t/apr/sockaddr.t 4 1 25.00% 2
t/filter/both_str_req_proxy.t 1 1 100.00% 1
t/modperl/setupenv.t 63 6 9.52% 8 22 29 36 50 57
t/preconnection/note.t 1 1 100.00% 1
linux mix 2.6.9-22.0.2.elsmp httpd-2.2.3+mod_perl-2.0.3-rc1+php-5.1.6 CGI 3.23+
ModPerl-Registry/t/fatalstobrowser.t fails

libapreq2 2.09-rc1
Linux 2.6.15 mod_perl 2.0.3rc1/httpd 2.0.59/perl 5.8.6 PASS
WIN32 perl-5.8.8 and apache-2.2.2 PASS
minor gotcha's with Apache/TestConfigData.pm
across 2.2.x and 2.0.x relating to PATHS
linux bzium
t/apreq/upload failed.
FC6 rpm extra build -- without and without LWP PASS ***@rexursive.com
Win32: Apache/2.2.3 (winnt), perl-5.8.8 (ActivePerl 819),
with mod_perl-2.0.3-rc1 installed +1 randyk
linux: Apache/2.0.55 (prefork), perl-5.8.7,
with mod_perl 2.0.2 +1 randyk
FreeBSD 6.1-stable/i386 perl 5.8.8 httpd 2.2.3
mod_perl2.0.3-rc1 +1 pgollucci
Solaris 5.10 perl 5.8.8 httpd 2.2.4-dev -1 pgollucci
ALL glue/perl tests fail... Bad ld foo at work.
Philip M. Gollucci (***@p6m7g8.com) 323.219.4708
Consultant / http://p6m7g8.net/Resume/resume.shtml
Senior Software Engineer - TicketMaster - http://ticketmaster.com
1024D/A79997FA F357 0FDD 2301 6296 690F 6A47 D55A 7172 A799 97F

"In all that I've done wrong I know I must have done something right to
deserve a hug every morning and butterfly kisses at night."
__ ___ ___ ____ __
/ |/ /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /
/ /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__
/_/ /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/
Philip M. Gollucci
2006-09-18 04:22:15 UTC
Post by Philip M. Gollucci
mod_perl 2.0.3-rc1
NetBSD 3.0 i386 perl 5.8.8 w/o ithreads httpd 2.2.3 -1 pgollucci

t/apr-ext fail because of bad LD_LIBRARY_PATH / DynaLoader foo.
I believe people have brought this failure up before and even suggested a patch for it.
Anyone want to point to these threads ?

t/apr/constants.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/modperl/post_utf8.t ?? ?? % ??
Philip M. Gollucci (***@p6m7g8.com) 323.219.4708
Consultant / http://p6m7g8.net/Resume/resume.shtml
Senior Software Engineer - TicketMaster - http://ticketmaster.com
1024D/A79997FA F357 0FDD 2301 6296 690F 6A47 D55A 7172 A799 97F

"In all that I've done wrong I know I must have done something right to
deserve a hug every morning and butterfly kisses at night."
__ ___ ___ ____ __
/ |/ /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /
/ /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__
/_/ /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/