[SECURITY] [CVE-2009-0796] Vulnerability found in Apache::Status and Apache2::Status
Fred Moyer
2009-04-01 21:58:12 UTC
mod_perl lists,

A specific vulnerability [CVE-2009-0795] in Apache::Status and
Apache2::Status has been discovered which may affect the security of
your mod_perl installation. Running Apache::Status on a public server
with no protection has always been a bad idea though, vulnerability or

The mod_perl1 and mod_perl2 codebases have been updated to protect
against this vulnerability, but your existing server may be
vulnerable. To secure your mod_perl server from this vulnerability,
we recommend that you disallow access to Apache::Status and
Apache2::Status resources (usually located at /perl-status) from
untrusted hosts.

Q: How do I know if my installation is vulnerable?

A: If you have enabled the Apache::Status or Apache2::Status modules
in your httpd.conf, your installation may be vulnerable. See the
following links for details on what constitutes potentially vulnerable
httpd.conf directives.


If you have a <Location /perl-status> directive in your httpd.conf,
your installation is likely vulnerable.

Q: What steps do I take to secure my mod_perl installation?

A: Disallow access from certain clients to your status url (example
/perl-status) in your httpd.conf file.

mod_perl1 example:

<Location /perl-status>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Status

mod_perl2 example:

<Location /perl-status>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status
Fred Moyer
2009-04-08 01:56:45 UTC
Update - I fat fingered the CVE number in this email body previously
(but it was correct in the subject).

The correct vulnerability reference number is CVE-2009-0796.
Post by Fred Moyer
mod_perl lists,
A specific vulnerability [CVE-2009-0795] in Apache::Status and
Apache2::Status has been discovered which may affect the security of
your mod_perl installation.  Running Apache::Status on a public server
with no protection has always been a bad idea though, vulnerability or
The mod_perl1 and mod_perl2 codebases have been updated to protect
against this vulnerability, but your existing server may be
vulnerable.  To secure your mod_perl server from this vulnerability,
we recommend that you disallow access to Apache::Status and
Apache2::Status resources (usually located at /perl-status) from
untrusted hosts.
Q:  How do I know if my installation is vulnerable?
A:  If you have enabled the Apache::Status or Apache2::Status modules
in your httpd.conf, your installation may be vulnerable.  See the
following links for details on what constitutes potentially vulnerable
httpd.conf directives.
If you have a <Location /perl-status> directive in your httpd.conf,
your installation is likely vulnerable.
Q:  What steps do I take to secure my mod_perl installation?
A:  Disallow access from certain clients to your status url (example
/perl-status) in your httpd.conf file.
<Location /perl-status>
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Status
<Location /perl-status>
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status